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The Other side of Powder Puff- The Cheerleaders

Writer: James Hock - MRH FacultyJames Hock - MRH Faculty

By Alyssa LaCrue

One of the biggest well known games of the season has already come and gone. What was your favorite part? The plays, the boy cheerleaders, or the winning seniors? This was Powder Puff 2021. The Powder Puff game came back after two years of constant shut down from Covid-19. This year was a whole new level of excitement since they could actually play. This year the Class of 2023 went against the Class of 2022 and the boy cheerleaders were all seniors willing to do anything to get the crowd as spirited as possible. Although some boys did drop out of the cheer event they still did well and helped keep the spirit up throughout the entire game. All of the boys kept a positive attitude even when the senior class was losing in three quarters. However, once the seniors made a comeback in the fourth quarter the spirit grew more than imaginable. A student at Mountain Range High school talks about the boy cheerleaders making a difference by saying “I think it makes a difference because they are really active with the crowd so, they get everyone really excited and involved.¨ Without the boys knowing they created a positive impact in the crowd even after losing some of their voices.

This year the district is trying to jam pack all events into a week and only a few weeks prior to practice. However, the boys cheer had two weeks to learn four cheers and a one minute halftime routine. One of the boy cheerleaders said “it was super fun and I'm glad I could be a part of it. I definitely think I made a difference with the crowd and kept the energy up throughout the whole game. It was worth all the energy I had to use for it.¨ The boys definitely kept the spirit going and cheering on the seniors through the losing stage and the winning ending. For being out of commission for about two years the school put on one of the best, most greatest Powder Puff games ever.

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